

Welcome to Calvary Bible Church


Sunday Services

Sunday School for all ages            9:30 AM
Morning Worship Service           10:25 AM
Evening Worship Service             6:30 PM

Wednesday Services

Wednesday Evening Service       6:30 PM

On Sunday Mornings…

…there is a mix of dress casual, jeans, suits and ties. Everyone coming together to worship the Lord. We enjoy blended music (hymns and contemporary choruses) including an orchestra and choir. Pastor Mike is an expository teacher working through Scriptural topics.

Sunday Mornings

There are many options available include a nursery for infants. When you get to Calvary Bible there is a Welcome Center in the foyer – and many ushers are available to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

Our Values

1. We value a strong Bible-teaching ministry.

The Bible should be the foundation of all Christian experience and the church’s fundamental central task is to communicate the Word of God. Our commitment is to “expository” preaching, that is, the Bible being taught in a systematic and consistent manner. In all of our teaching the goal is to carefully and diligently expose the meaning of the Scriptures so that you might apply it to your life (James 1:23-25). The church cannot function and grow without a solid foundation of biblical truth. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 4:14-15)

2. We value governing the church in a biblical fashion.

The Word of God is abundantly clear as to the decision making process in the church. It is all too often that churches become contentious or divided in the decision making process. It is our conviction that the Elders of the church are the governing body much like the father is the governing entity in the home. They are to be functioning as loving, caring, and serving shepherds. It is our desire to follow the leadership of the Elder Board as they follow the Lord, being led by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. (Hebrews 13:7, 17).

3. We value equipping believers for ministry.

The traditional view of ministry is that the Pastor is the paid professional who does all the work of the ministry. He is the “Minister” and the focal point of significant activity. That is a far cry from the picture that the Bible gives of ministry. The Pastor is to be an equipper who gives the tools for life and ministry to the flock. The leadership at Calvary is committed to a team model for ministry, which includes helping Christians find God’s will and then equip them to do it. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

4. We value being a light to the community and the world.

We want to impact the world around us and fulfill the singular reason Jesus left us on earth—to make disciples. The way in which that is done is both by our words and deeds. With our lips we want to make a clear proclamation of God’s plan of salvation and by our life we want to testify of the reality of that personal relationship to God. Jesus said by our love for one another all men will know we are His disciples. We desire to maintain the wonderful unity of the spirit at Calvary by a pervading humility and love that shows we are Christ’s followers. This gives integrity to the message of Christ’s redeeming love. (Matthew 28:19-20; John 13:34)

5. We value resolving issues and conflicts openly and honestly, thereby promoting healthy relationships among Christians.

Calvary Bible Church is NOT a perfect church lest anyone should be under an illusion, but we are indeed a progressing church. We are growing in God’s grace, and in that sense moving ahead in a Christ-like lifestyle. Since we are a family of individuals we need to realize that differences and problems will occur because we are indeed different from one another as well as sinful. That being a given, it is essential that we resolve problems biblically. Problems are not resolved by silence or by ignoring them. That response only compounds and aggravates the problem. Unity is achieved through loving dialogue, expression of forgiveness, and honesty. We need to welcome and accept the God-given diversity in the church family. We also need to preserve our unity when “friction” would threaten it. (Ephesians 4:1-3, 25-27, 32)

6. We value authentic worship and prayer.

We desire to acknowledge God’s supreme value and worth in our personal lives and in the corporate worship of our church (Rom. 12:1-2). We believe that God desires his people to pray and that he hears and answers prayer (Matthew 7:7-11; James 5:13-18). Therefore, the ministries and activities of this church will be characterized by a reliance on prayer in their conception, planning, and execution. We also recognize that our giving is an expression of our worship of God (2 Cor. 8:1-9:15).

7. We value the development of strong families and biblical community.

We seek to provide an atmosphere that strengthens marriages and families. We support the spiritual nurture of the family as one of God’s dynamic means to perpetuate the Christian faith (2 Tim. 1:5). We are committed to strong youth and children’s programs. We desire to provide multiple opportunities for people to get involved in biblical community. (Luke 6:12-13; Acts 2:44-47)

Want to Learn More About Calvary Bible Church? 

The Welcome Class is a two week class held at different times throughout the year. It is a prerequisite for membership and is a great way to get to know more about the church. The class is taught by Senior Pastor Mike Osladil and an elder on the Calvary Bible Church board. For more information email office@cbc-hanover.org or call 717.632.3954

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