Children's Ministries

Children’s Ministries

2017-2018 CBC Children’s Ministries Online Registration

2017-2018 CBC Ministries Form for Children’s Choir, Awana, Sunday School & VBS (Printable Version)


At The Shepherd’s Fold (TSF) we provide all-day care for children 6 weeks through pre-k on either a 3 or 5 day per week schedule. Students in the 2 year old rooms and older experience a structured, daily preschool program. Engaging activities, fun crafts, daily story time, Bible time, self-expressing art, sensory activities, and well supervised playtime encourage each child to learn and explore through a variety of experiences. Our staff will guide, support, and lovingly nurture them toward their God-given potential. We recognize that each child develops differently, but that each needs the opportunity to explore the world around them in creative ways that engage all of their senses in a safe, clean, and loving environment. For more info, please click here. You can also contact Shelley Mathias, TSF Director, at or by phone at (717)-632-2676.

“That they might set their hope in God…and keep His commandments”

Psalm 78:7

Children’s ministry at Calvary Bible Church includes boys and girls from birth through grade 6. The Bible is the textbook in every area of ministry. We have a three-fold purpose for each child enrolled. First, we seek to lead each one to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Second, the boys and girls are discipled as preparation for goal #3, which is service. Our philosophy is to honor God in all that we do with our children while supporting what the parents are teaching in the home.

For our workers we aim to provide on-going training so our workers can be adequately prepared for their responsibilities.

Preschool – Nursery through Kindergarten
The Preschool Department currently has 5 classes geared for your child’s growth. In each class there is a structured program that includes playtime, singing, Bible story, memory verse, activity time, and snack. The nursery and toddlers classes are held on Wednesday evenings as well. These classes are staffed with faithful workers who nurture and give the best care possible to each child.

Sunday School Grades 1-6
The purpose of our Sunday School ministry is to systematically teach God’s Word, so our boys and girls can grow to love and serve Jesus. Through the teaching of God’s Word teachers emphasize the importance of reading God’s Word and applying it to daily life.”  Currently, we are using the “Answers in Genesis ABC,” a three-year Sunday school program that covers the entire Bible in chronological order. Answers Bible Curriculum provides answers to the issues that confront today’s culture through the media, school, friends, etc. ABC provides a thorough understanding of the authority and primary teachings of Scripture. All ages will be equipped to defend the Bible, and become conformed to the image of Christ, as they apply God’s Word in their everyday lives. Classes meet from 9:30-10:20 AM each week.

Children’s Church
Children’s Church is held during the Morning Worship time, 10:30-12:00. We currently offer two classes: One for kindergartners through second graders, and a second class for third through sixth grade. These classes dovetail with the Sunday School Answers in Genesis curriculum.  Please see the Sunday School explanation above for more detail.

Children’s Choir
The children’s choir is open to first through sixth graders with practice on Sunday evenings at 6:30 PM. This time together is concentrated on the holiday season for performance as well as a Children’s Choir musical.

NEW!  Family Connection Service   Are you looking to stay with your children during the worship service? Or possibly an informal setting with other believers?  This is for you!  Back rows in the sanctuary are reserved for those who wish to worship in song and then be excused to watch the main service lived streamed to Room #216. Or you may go directly there at 10:25 AM and watch the entire service.

Children’s Ministry Worker Application Adults

Children’s Ministry Worker Application Teens

Wednesday Ministries


AWANA Clubs are held at 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm – To learn more about AWANA and how your child can get involved click here!

“Study to show yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” 2 Timothy 2:15 

Summer Ministries

KIDS CAMP – A camping ministry staffed from our congregation to allow our children and their friends to enjoy a full week of fellowship and fun in a unique atmosphere. We offer day camp for first and second graders. Third thru sixth graders come as overnight campers. Crafts, games, swimming, special events, guest speakers, music, missions, and snack shop are all part of this special week.  Join us on July 3-7, 2017

Directions from Church to Camp

GROW (VBS) – GROW is an exciting program for the children from toddlers to sixth grade. Our teens under adult supervision will run a fun-filled program. Each night will include singing, Bible lessons, missionary stories, games, and other special features. Each evening will begin with a Worship Rally in the gymnasium (enter at door “C”). GROW is held Sunday through Thursday.