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Adult Electives


Sundays at 6:30 PM

Room #206 & Room #209

Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. Suggested donation is $16.00. Scholarships are available

PMILogoFinished will start back up in January • Room #106     John How well do you know the Son of God? Are you convinced that what He said about Himself is true? From beginning to end, John reveals Jesus as the Son of God. John 1:14, “An the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” We invite you to join us for the first of this three-part study in the book of John as we study chapters 1-6. This course is open to men, women, couples and teens. Materials are $25 with scholarships available.

ESL logo Wednesdays • 6:30pm – 8:00pm This will be in a classroom setting offering: conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Also available: programs for children, youth and care for infants. Please call Patricia to register. 717.624.3797 or 815.505.9569 Las habilidades a practicar en el salón de clases son: conversación, gramática, lectura y escritura. Contamos con programas para niños, adolescentes y cunero para los mas pequeños. Por favor llame a Patricia para registrar – se habla español. 717.624.3797 or 815.505.9569

GriefShareWednesdays • 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM • Begins October 11      Room #213      GriefShare seminar and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.  This is a 13 week course.



supper six Supper six is made up of three couples or families joining together for a meal. This informal gathering occurs three or four times during the course of a four month period. After signing up, you will receive a sheet telling you of the other couples or families you will be dining with. It is the responsibility of the first couple listed to host the first meal, the second listing to plant the second meal and the third to host the last meal.

Logo Small Groups are to bring people together to share in “one another care”, which will result in building Godly relationships and the practice of Biblical love. To join or learn more about small groups, you may contact the leader directly. If you are unable to contact them please call the church office at 717.632.3954 or 

      Self Confrontation Bible Study

Self Confrontation is an in depth discipleship series designed to teach Christians how to `put on’ Bible promises. The text book we use is written by Biblical Counseling Foundation and provides the biblical framework for dealing with issues at the root of life’s struggles like forgiveness, bitterness, anger, depression, communication, biblical love and many more life issues. The classes will be held each Tuesday 6:30- 8:30 pm, beginning October 3. A sample student manual can be found at the signup table in the foyer. If you have struggled with making God’s promises real in your life, this training is for you. A signup sheet is located at the Activities table. Contact Mike Mathias (717-235-6067) or Pamela Mason with any questions (717-632-7881).