Missions: Africa/Europe

Africa & Europe


Rev. George & Vera Dapaah serve in their home country of Ghana, West Africa. George is a pastor and church planter. He serves with Solid Rock Baptist Missions in Ghana which partners with IPM. The Bible College includes a Master of Ministry program to prepare future church planters. The Dapaah’s have 3 children, Gideon, Miriam, and Martha.

PO Box 11001 • C11, Tema, Ghana Email us: gadapaah@gmail.com



Dan & Amie Dwire with their 3 children, 2 daughters and a son have been based in the city of Soroti, in northeast Uganda since 2005. They work as part of a missionary team. In addition to preaching at the Soroti Independent Baptist Church, Dan teaches in the Bible Institute and manages a Christian Radio station that is designed to further the church planting works in the Soroti Area. Currently, there are four planted churches as well as other preaching points. Amie helps with a Ladies’ Ministry and also serves as the nurse for the Soroti Orphan Assistance Project, a local-church orphanage designed to prepare future pastors, missionaries, and church leaders.

P.O.Box 387  • Plot 25 Kenyatta Road • Soroti, Uganda Email us: Dwires@TellAfrica.com • website: www.TellAfrica.com



Tim & Sue Shirey serve the Lord in Switzerland. They have had the joy of raising three daughters who studied at Bob Jones University. Heather is married to Jonathan Pitts and they are living in Virginia. Sarah is working and Rebecca is finishing her studies. Tim is an illustrator and works in multimedia production at the European Regional Office of Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.  Sue is now the education assistant at this office.

Dorfweg 21  • 4718 Holderbank • Switzerland Email us: shirey@illustratedword.com • Website: http://www.illustratedword.com/blog/• Skype: timshirey Blogs: illustratedword-family.blogspot.com • illustratedword-cef.blogspot.com



Bill & Pam Sudeck serve in southeastern France with Crossworld. They are involved in church planting and evangelism through various ministries, and Bill also assists Editions CLE (a Christian publishing ministry in Lyons) in developing documents for the French version of Logos Bible Software. Bill also plays drums for various music groups in their region as a personal outreach to the community. Pam is involved in the university outreach known as the “FEU” ministry, which organizes a weekly Bible study for Christian students as well as occasional evangelistic outreaches for non-believers. The new university outreach center in downtown Chambery has been operational since September 2014 and has become a hub where Christian students can gather for prayer, Bible study, and mutual encouragement. The Sudecks have three married children (Jason, Jennifer and Julie) and 6 grandchildren. 93 square de la Chevalière • 73000 CHAMBERY  • FRANCE Email Bill: bill.sudeck@crossworld.org • Email Pam: pam.sudeck@crossworld.org Mission website: www.crossworld.org



Dale Kay Miller has served in Ukraine with SEND International since 2000. Her ministry involves discipling women and teaching English to high school and college age students in the city of Lutsk. Her home church is Jonestown Bible Church, Jonestown, PA

Email her: daleynewslutsk@gmail.com