

Music is a language that communicates the joy and hope of the Christian life! It is an expression of our worship and devotion to God.

The music ministry of Calvary Bible Church is a ministry of worship and praise. This is our primary focus. Psalm 96 says, “O sing unto the Lord, all the earth: Sing unto the Lord, bless His name. For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised.” Psalm 33 says, “Sing to Him a new song. Play skillfully with a shout of Joy.”

In addition to weekly ministry in worship services, our music ministry is involved with seasonal events that are presented throughout the year. We are deeply committed to reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ!

Opportunities for involvement currently begin in the 1st grade, and continue on up through adult. Choirs for all ages, ensembles, and instrument groups are just a few of the ways you can be involved.

We encourage you to join in, and see how God can use you to touch the lives of many through the ministry of music!


Philosophy of Music

The Scriptures portray for us the centrality of music, skilled musicians, and congregational worship in song. Without apology we have a high view and commitment to a music ministry that is excellent, diverse, and makes use of all the resources God makes available to us.

Music is intended to praise God. Psalm 150:3-4

Music is intended to be expressive of the emotions of the heart as the believer walks with God. Ephesians 5:18-20

Music is to reflect the truth of Scripture and to be instructional to that degree. Psalm 32:7-8

Music is to be centered upon praise, adoration, and thanksgiving. Psalm 98:4, Psalm 104:33

Music is diversified in style, content, purpose, and preference, but is always to be doctrinally sound, never overshadowing the teaching of the Word, always high in quality, and is a vehicle for expression of the reality of a personal walk with God. Colossians 3:16-17


Ways to Get Involved

Worship Orchestra

Our Worship Orchestra is open for those in High School and above. Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings from 8:30-9:25AM. The orchestra plays weekly during the Morning Worship Service as well as seasonal programs.

Children’s Choir

Our Children’s Choir is open to children in grades 1-6. Rehearsals are held Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 7:15pm. The Children’s Choir participates monthly in the Evening Service, seasonal programs, and a children’s musical in the winter.

Worship Choir

Our Worship Choir is open to those 18 years and above. Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings from 9:10-9:25 AM, and on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:00 PM. The Worship Choir ministers in the Morning Worship Service and participates in seasonal programs.

Other Opportunities

With the vigorous ministry schedule that is kept by the music department, there is an ever-increasing need for volunteers to help out in “non-musical” roles. People are needed in the areas of set construction, decorating, media ministry, sound ministry, set-up, and the list goes on. If you have a heart to serve the Lord in one of these areas, please call us to find out how you can be involved. We’d love to hear from you!